Project: Organization

I’ve been bitten by the “fall cleaning” bug.

This means that I have the need to sort through everything I own, get rid of things that I no longer want/need and reorganize, rearrange the heck out of all that I decide to keep and somewhere in the middle of all that super clean everything.  I have to break up my fall cleaning in pieces though because (1) super cleaning/organizing should seriously count as a workout (especially if you decide to move furniture around) and (2) I’m less prone to an “OMG what did I do” meltdown if I only have to deal with mini piles of mess at a time instead of one big giant one.  Plus it’s Sunday and, as much as I want to clean/organize everything, I do want to go out and enjoy my day too.

Today’s piece of my fall cleaning puzzle dealt with moving my bed and, because I’m a gym clothes whore, my extra “closet.”  Since I had to empty out my extra wardrobe, I had a pretty gnarly pile of clothes going on.  I took one look at it and started laughing mostly because it’s a little absurd to have that many pairs of Nike tempo track shorts (my absolute fave) and knee high socks, but also because of the fact that I realized that I’m going to have deal with putting everything away again.  Fun stuff.

Here’s my mini disaster before:

And a closer look:

TA-DA!! The finished product (not exactly perfect, but that’s as good as it’s going to get):